VP-BQY — Airbus A320-214, Ural Airlines
Reg.Nr | | Airline | Aeroport |
VP-BQY | 18.11.2006 | Ural Airlines | Koltsovo (SVX/USSS) |
TS-ING | 31.07.2003 | Afriqiyah Airways | (none) |
30.07.2003 | Nouvelair Tunisie |
D-AKFW | 29.08.2002 | Airbus Industrie |
VH-HYI | 16.01.1991 | Ansett Australia | Melbourne-Tullamarine (MEL/YMML) |
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Россия, Свердловская область, Екатеринбург, аэропорт Кольцово (SVX/USSS) Russia, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Ekaterinburg, Koltsovo airport (SVX/USSS)
July 23, 2011 Author: Arkadiy
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