
List of all types and modifications  ·  All aircraft's photos of this type

Table of aircrafts of this type

Order by: Date of Built  ·  Place of Built  ·  Year and Place of Built  ·  Modification  ·  Last Number  ·  First Name  ·  Editor's order

01 ЧёрныйRU Air Force
06 КрасныйRU Air Force
Kubinka (UUMB)RU Air Force
55Kubinka (UUMB)RU Air Force
56 ЧёрныйRU Air Force
70 КрасныйRU Air Force
72 КрасныйRU Air Force
9210Egypt Air Force
9213Egypt Air Force
RF-81719RU Air Force
RF-81745RU Air Force
RF-81747RU Air Force
RF-81763RU Air Force
RF-95242RU Air Force
RF-95475RU Air Force
RF-95493RU Air ForceИван Горбунов
RF-95496RU Air Force
RF-95816RU Air Force
49083501308RF-95243RU Air Force

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